SAE J3106™ Level 2

SAE Level 2 - Partial Driving Automation

Level 2 driving automation refers to systems that can control both steering and braking/accelerating simultaneously under some circumstances. However, the human driver must continue to monitor the driving environment at all times and be ready to take control.

Examples of Level 2 Systems
  • Combined Adaptive Cruise Control and Lane Keeping Assist systems
  • Tesla Autopilot (when used as intended on approved roads)
  • Cadillac Super Cruise (for limited access highways only)

These systems can maintain lateral and longitudinal vehicle motion control for periods of time. However, they are not capable of self-driving and have limited operational domains where they can function.

Human Driver Roles and Responsibilities

At Level 2, the driver retains ultimate responsibility for the vehicle and must:

  • Monitor the driving environment at all times
  • Be ready to take over steering and braking control on short notice
  • Determine when the system can be engaged or must be disengaged
  • Remain alert and capable of intervening immediately if needed

The driver cannot treat a Level 2 vehicle as a fully self-driving car, even for short periods. They must pay full attention and be prepared to take over any of the driving tasks. Level 2 provides more sustained assistance than Level 1, but still requires an attentive, engaged driver to ensure safe operation. The system may be "hands-off" but the driver's mind must stay "hands-on." These systems can provide convenience for the driver, but do not enable unsupervised self-driving. The driver is still responsible for safe operation at all times.

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